AUTONOMY 12th Conference of the Legal Research Network
(Bristol, ELTE Budapest, Ghent, Göttingen, Groningen, Lille, Turku, and Uppsala)
18-20 September 2019, University ELTE Budapest

The Law Faculties of the Universities of Bristol, Budapest (ELTE), Ghent, Göttingen, Groningen, Lille – Nord de France, Turku and Uppsala will organize the 12th annual Legal Research Network Conference on 18-20 September 2019. The conference will be hosted by the Law Faculty of the University ELTE Budapest.
Aim of the Legal Research Network Conferences
The conferences of the Legal Research Network (LRN) offer a common space for both senior and junior scholars to present and discuss their research in a friendly and stimulating international environment, which transcends the traditional boundaries of the legal sub-disciplines.
The conference also aims at fostering the progress of PhD students by senior academic staff actively taking part in the discussions following the presentations.
2019 Conference Theme
Autonomy is a basic principle of modern society, as well as of each and every legal system. Across all fields of law the concept of autonomy has its special implications. Law protects the autonomy of individuals and associations by defending the boundaries of their own self-rule. Autonomy has not only to be assured and protected, but its content has to be defined and its limits set. Autonomy cannot be absolute and should not lead to the detriment of other values. Thus complex questions arise which may be addressed from different angles and on different levels.
We encourage the submission of papers concerning – but not limited to – topics as:
- Autonomy in interstate relationships and the concept of constitutional identity.
- The general right to privacy and the concept of autonomy.
- “Informational self-determination” in the era of the GDPR.
- Constraints on contractual autonomy.
- Foundations and limits of autonomy in civil law.
- The principle of party autonomy in court procedures.
- Criminal law as a tool to avoid somebody’s practice of autonomy from interfering with another person’s autonomy.
- Judicial independence and the administration of the judiciary.
- Margin of appreciation and the concept of judicial deference.
- The interplay between national administration and autonomous administrative structures.
- Decentralisation, regionalisation and increasing autonomy of local authorities.
The Call for Papers can be found here.
The programme of the 2019 Network Conference on Autonomy can be found here.
Conference Organisation
- Prof. Dr. Pál Sonnevend, Vice dean for international affairs, ELTE, Head of the Department of International Law
- Dr. habil. Krisztina Rozsnyai, Associate professor, ELTE, Department of Administrative Law
- Dr. Éva Lukács Gellérné, PhD Assistant professor, ELTE, Department of International Private Law and European Economic Law
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