2008 LRNC Call for Papers

The Faculties of Law of the Universities of Groningen, Ghent, Uppsala and Turku cordially invite all staff members to participate in the first annual Network Conference on 30-31 October 2008. The conference is hosted by the Faculty of Law of the University of Groningen.

With this conference, the faculties actively promote staff to present international oriented legal research papers in a friendly and stimulating research environment.

Staff members wishing to participate in the conference should send in an abstract of a paper, with at most 400 words, to NetworkConference2008@rug.nl. The deadline for abstracts is the 4th of April 2008. Confirmation of acceptance of the abstract and participation in the conference is sent out on the 18th of April 2008. The deadline for the working paper itself is 12th September, 2008. Click Abstract Format for the abstract format.

Although no specific formal requirements are attached to the working papers, we encourage researchers to use the pre-arranged paper format. No limits on length or subject are imposed upon papers. Working papers are to be considered not yet definitive articles, but with an academic line of reasoning that is already structured and developed in such a way that the author feels comfortable defending it for a small audience of interested but non-national peers. Authors presenting working papers actively seek to acquire general and specific comments in order to improve their work. Click Paper Format or the paper format.

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