2008 Network Conference on Public and Private in Modern Law, Groningen

1st Annual Conference, 30 and 31 October 2008

Participating Universities: Groningen Ghent Uppsala Turku
Host: University of Groningen, Faculty of law

The Faculties of Law of the Universities of Groningen, Ghent, Uppsala and Turku cordially invite all staff members to participate in the first annual Network Conference on 30-31 October 2008. The conference is hosted by the Faculty of Law of the University of Groningen. The University of Göttingen has been invited to join the network and will in the first annual conference participate as an observer.

With this conference, the faculties actively promote staff to present international oriented legal research papers in a friendly and stimulating research environment.

Over the two days, the conference has several parallel workshop-sessions in which researchers will be given the opportunity to present their latest research to their colleagues, discuss topics and expand their international network. The conference language is English.


The conference theme is “Public and Private Interests and the Law” and a substantial number of the workshops will be devoted to this theme. Furthermore, a keynote lecture will be given on the second day, specifically aimed at this topic. The other workshops in the conference will be open to all subjects, on e.g. Administrative, Private, Criminal law and also open to researchers using interdisciplinary approaches to law as sociology, economics and philosophy.

Depending on the number and quality of the papers, the organizing committee offers researchers the possibility of making papers available online on the conference website, and will contemplate publishing a conference volume targeted at the theme of the conference. Additional information about the theme can be read here: 2008 LRNC Theme.

Program information: